Friday, April 18, 2008


Tell me a little bit about yourself. Where did you go to school, and what extra-curricular activities did you take up? What helped prepare you to become the artist that you are today?

Anime, Manga & Games! MOE! XD Instead of drawing i write stories to0. :3 I study at the honarable only by me TUP-Taguig. XD Tee hee.

What inspired or convinced you to become an artist?

God, family, friends, music & awesome artist! @_@

What is a typical day for you, and who are the people you work with?

A typical day for me is a day with a good weather :3 and I work with my friends.

What are some of the things that you have worked on?

Only my Runesu indie comics for now XD

How do you go about an illustration, what goes through your mind, from start to end?

Umm. I dont know just draw and draw without thinking XD

Could you talk about your process in coloring your art (if at all), as well as the types of tools or media that you use?

I use poster colors. Umm... Before i start coloring I clean everything around me before i color. :3 just to have a refreshing moment coloring.

What are some of the things that you do to keep yourself creative?

Umm... The truth is I don't know XD

What is your most favorite subject to draw, and why?

MOE :3 bcoz its MOE! XD

What are some of the neat things you have learned from other artists that you have worked with or seen?

Ummmm... too many things to mention @_@

What are some of your favorite websites that you go to?

World Wide Web dot Deviantart dot Commercial :3

What wisdom could you give us, about being an artist? Do you have any tips you could give?

Be inspired always :3 God is the best inspiration. Bcoz all of the inspiration you'll have will came from God.

If people would like to contact you, how would you like to be contacted?

Email XD

Do you have any of your art work for sale (comics, prints, or anything)? If so, for fans of your work can know where and when to buy it?

Just an indie comics for now ^^; I sell them in some conventions.

If you would be given a chance to have dinner with any famous person, who would you want to have dinner with and why?

Daisuke Ishiwatari!!!!!! *A*

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